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Erasmus+ Traineeships at the Casella Conservatoire

The L'Aquila ‘Alfredo Casella’ Conservatoire of Music offers the following Erasmus+ traineeships:

Pianists (3).

Traineeship obligations (24 hours per week):

accompaniment of wind instruments / chamber music classes

accompaniment of string instruments / chamber music classes

accompaniment of singing classes (opera/songs)

Violinists (3); violists (2); cellists (2).

Traineeship obligations (24 hours per week):

playing in chamber music classes/groups

Traineeships are restricted to graduates (master's degree) or students attending the second year of a master's degree course.

Placements can start from 3rd November and should last for at least three months.

How to apply: Applicants are required to send an application letter, a CV and a CD/DVD (repertoire lists will be welcome) to:

Conservatorio di Musica "A. Casella"

Erasmus International Office

Via Savini

67100 L'Aquila


Applications, including CV's, audio/video files or YouTube links are also accepted by e-mail. Please send them to erasmus@consaq.it